Friday, February 26, 2016

Activity 1: Portrait and Studio Photography

Blog Post

Look through assorted media, magazines, internet and collect four portrait photographs. The environment should be a key feature in two of the four images.Describe the subject’s character in each of the images. What can you see within each image that leads you to these conclusions about the subjects’ character.

Ultra Updates Photography
The subjects character in this picture is really still, and very plain. Everything is black and white but it has a color splash of orange as the paint on the paintbrush and as the subject wipes it across his face it brings out the color in his hair and on his face. It seems like the paint brush is bringing the color back out and kind of the "life" back into this picture. Since's it's black and white usually those pictures are looked at as sad or kind of just with neutral feeling and he could be trying to use the paint brush to bring life back and bring back a better emotion.

Anne Nevreva Photography
The character of this subject in the picture seems kind of surprised and full of life. You can see the forest and leaves in the background showing it is fall. You can tell its windy from her hair and that its cold since she is wearing a jacket. So possibly the cold could of caused her character to be changed and act different at the moment the photo was taken. Her character looks happy for most of it.

Martin Gommel Photography
This is another black and white picture. The character of this subject is very scared. Taking pictures is also known as "shooting" so he has a camera to his head as if he is going to "shoot himself". His character shows he is scared and acts like he is really going to die from it. His character has a lot of emotion to it.

Jenuine Crreations Photography
The character here is very happy. The background is of a lake and some mountains and you can tell its much warmer  by what she is wearing. That could have an affect on her character as the photo was taken. She seems very pleased and calm. She seems to have a always happy character and their surroundings can always have a lot to do with it.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Activity 3: Self Image

Blog Post

Consider some of the social pressures that you think may shape your behavior and personal image. List the images most commonly associated with the categories or ‘boxes’ you have already listed in Activity 1.

How have you responded to social pressures to conform by adopting an appearance that relates to the categories that you feel you have placed in or have chosen?

I have responded to social pressures before, I was very into following what everyone else did when I was younger, especially because the people I was around were considered "cool" and I wanted to be apart of that group. I changed the way I dressed, spoke, behaved just to impress them. As I got older I (and most of that group) realized that was so dumb and we need to be ourselves. Following people isn't fun and you need to do your own thing and find your own way. Don't let social pressures make you feel left out, there are many people who do their own thing and you can only be truly happy once you do that, you aren't alone.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Activity 2: Self Image

Blog Post

Find images in the media, which have been used to represent attractive and unattractive aspects of the human face. Examine and record carefully the photographic techniques used to accentuate both these qualities, drawing up a list that relates to the images you have found. 

  • List the physical characteristics that we have come to admire in both the male and female face and write 100 words in response to the following questions: 
    1. Do you believe that media images or public opinion are responsible for the characteristics of beauty becoming universal stereotypes? 
    2. Do you believe people admiring media images of glamorous models can do any harm?


Photogenic techniques for attractive people in society is guys have a nice and clearly seen jawline, obviously already being "pretty" or "attractive", and girls having perfectly done make up that people think is nice (society again portraying whats good and not), and guys having some facial hair. These 4 people are very huge in society and are very well considered perfect or attractive. 


 Unattractive people in society obviously have (to others) no photogenic technique at all. They do not have the perfectness or demand of good looking genes that society demands or wants.

I strongly believe that media images and public opinions are COMPLETELY responsible for the characteristics of beauty becoming universal stereotypes. Many people are very scared to go off and do there own things and be themselves because they want acceptance. They believe if society accepts me and they like me for what they technically pressured me into doing then I will be happy, when doing this makes matters so much worse. You can never become happy with yourself and who you are until you do your own thing and are comfortable with what YOU want and what YOU think is okay not society. People admiring media images of glamorous models can do very much harm. Many people have died from following along with what they see when they do not understand IT IS NOT REAL. Pictures are photoshopped to hell, in the movies someone can do drugs or die or do something very dangerous but THEY ARE NOT REALLY DOING IT and some people think "I can do that and be just like them, ill be fine" when that is not is okay. We let society choose our behavior, actions, looks, clothes, everything. WE practically let it control us. We have to do our own thing and be ourselves. Once we as society acknowledge that and understand that, then no ones opinions will matter and we can be happy. Purely happy with ourselves as people.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Activity 1: Self Image

Blog Post

What follows is a list of categories that serves to define and divide us. Make a personal list of the categories you belong to or have conflict with and visual symbols that are associated with each. Aspirations and expectations should also be listed.

  1. Age/generation - is can dictate levels of independence afforded to the individual.
  2. Gender - Our sex affects the way we are treated by some individuals. 
  3. Race - Prejudice and perceived racial superiority can affect hopes and aspirations.
  4. Religion - Moral codes and ideologies that serve to guide, unite and divide.
  5. Class or caste - A classification that an individual may never escape from.
  6. Personality - Extrovert and introvert are classifications of personality.
  7. Intelligence - educational establishments, based on IQ, often segregate us.
  8. Political persuasion - Left wing or right wing. Each carries its own ideology.

Categories I belong to:

 Number 1 (Age/Generation) applies to me because with being a teenager soon to be adult (17) and with being in my generation people see us as bad kids. Truthfully people look at us as stupid, careless, rude, and many other things. I think this generation of being the last 90's babies is very different but not in a bad way. Our generation is very open, accepting, courageous, helpful, so much more nice. We are changing the world slowly and I think its for the good.

Number 2 (Gender) most definitely being a female changes many things. There are many double standards and I have noticed many people are turning on us. Feminists and many other people supporting women power and making their voices heard because recently in the world all of these people have been making ways of how women should be. For example dress code, how we dress can be distracting to boys and we "ask for it" when that is a personal problem for whoever gets distracted by MY clothing. I should not have to change because someone else doesn't like me as I am or what I wear.

Number 3 (Race) is a big one. This world is becoming very diverse and soon enough everyone will be mixed with many different ethnicities and no one will be one whole race. Some do not like that and I think minorities get looked at differently. Especially being Mexican or african american, we get stereotyped and we sometimes get racially profiled. Sometimes we get treated VERY different. It's not very fair, we get looked at different as if we aren't human or of this world, but this world is becoming more open and diverse and people are becoming more open to the fact of treating everyone equally regardless of color.

Number 4 (Religion) with being Christian many people think "you HAVE to be perfect" and this religion gets judged a lot especially the people who follow. Everyone thinks you can't make mistakes and you have to be a replica of god, thats not true. You work on yourself to be a better person and to do right in this world, although many questions comes along with this religion as to how god my not be real its good to have hope and to be a good person anyways. Tons of people get killed for being this religion and its sad. It's hard to be anything or stand for anything anymore. Even though we are becoming more open at the same time people are getting crazy and becoming TOO sensitive, trying to force the world to be one way, one religion, one race. We are trying to cure it with positivity and peace because it's only going to get worse from here if we don't try.

Number 6 (Personality) many people think once you are a certain way from birth or even for a good while enough for influence, you will NEVER change. Which is untrue, if you're an introvert you can become extroverted, and vice versa. It takes time for change sometimes years upon years because some habits of your personality are hard to change whether they are good or bad. I'm looked at as kind of selfish (I can be) and I have many bad habits and many people think I won't change them but I can. It takes a while to stop a habit and its more of a challenge to not break it and stay on the right track.
